Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friday is the Last Day to Donate Online for Guide Dogs

Regular readers know that I've already written several posts these past few weeks about National Guide Dog Month. The past few weeks we've been actively fund-raising across more than 1,000 Petco's and local pet stores nationwide. Our goal is to raise $1 million dollars, but we're still shy of that goal and need your help for one last push. If you have not already made a donation, you can still donate online through tomorrow, Friday September 24th. Its fast and easy, just click here to donate. As little as $1, $5, $10, $20 or more will really make a difference. Please consider posting this on your own blog, as we need to get the word out that Friday is the final day to donate.
Nicollette Sheridan for Guide Dog Month
Want to learn more? Well read on:
Guide Dogs improve the lives of the blind by creating opportunities for life-changing independence. They provide safe mobility, loving companionship and truly the miracle of independence to the visually impaired through the use of a guide dog.
  • Every 7 minutes, someone in America becomes blind or visually impaired.
  • 13% of our active military return from war with eye injuries.
For many, blindness means being shut off from society, stuck at home, or moving about with a walking stick, tapping ahead to find a clear path in the darkness.  

Guide Dogs can literally change the life of a blind person, restoring confidence, providing freedom to return to work, and resume a normal routine that those of us who are sighted take for granted every day. Check out this message from our spokesperson, actress Nicollette Sheridan and Dick Van Patten:


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