Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mary Occhino and Angels on Call

Regular readers of this blog know that I am a spiritual person. Although I do not attend church as often as I once did, I do consider myself a Christian. I am also a person blessed with an awareness of things on many different levels. Call it what you want- being in tune with the energy in the Universe, intuitive or just a good listener. I'm a firm believer that there are no coincidences in this Universe- everything, and I do mean everything happens for a reason. We all have free will and a choice to make decisions with what is presented to us. The challenge is to be aware of what is going on around us and listen to our angels who guide us along the path of life. Last week I discovered someone who not only believes in these same ideals, she has a daily radio show to talk about it. Now, I'm like most people in that I am a creature of habit. I rarely vary from the familiar routines of daily life- and like it that way. But for some reason, last week I changed the channel from my usual morning routine on Sirius satellite radio and stumbled on "Angels on Call" radio show, featuring Mary Occhino. Mary calls herself a "psychic medium-intuitive explorer of the universe". She is not your typical psychic; a Long Island Italian-American from New York, she has a way of speaking that makes listeners feel comfortable- I was immediately drawn in to her show. She has a great line that sums up her outlook: "Karma can either kiss you or kick decide." She promotes the power of positive thinking and helps people find their own solutions when troubled with self-doubt. After a week of listening to her program, I finally went to her website to learn more about her.

As a young girl, Mary claimed she knew was able to “see” future events and communicate with people who have passed over. For more than two decades she has been conducting readings and found her abilities have become more pronounced over the years. In 1992 she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, which had a magnifying effect on her intuitive abilities.

According to her website, she conducts seminars nationwide, phone readings and e-mail readings. Listening to her radio show, callers ask for help with relationships, career paths, health and family issues. She also helps people who lost a loved one, providing closure to the grief-stricken. I especially like her"rapid fire" segment when she allows callers to ask one question in 20 seconds. Many calls are people asking things like "when will so and so find a job" or "I am pregnant, will it be a boy or girl" or things along that nature. I actually called in one morning and happened to get through- again, not a coincidence given the hundreds of callers who don't get through.

Mary has written several books, including "Beyond These Four Walls: Diary of a Psychic Medium, "Sign of the Dove" and "Awakened Instincts: Seven Keys for Enhancing Every Aspect of Your Life". She just announced a new show on the Sy-Fy Channel, premiering July 25th

If you subscribe to satellite radio, and have even a remote interest in psychics, I highly recommend Mary’s satellite radio show. “Angels on Call” which airs Monday through Friday from 7 a.m.-10 a.m. EST. on Sirius-XM’s Stars 102 channel and also on XM 155. Even if you think some of it is nonsense, it will help you start thinking more positively in your own life.

-Rick Rockhill

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