Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gadzooks its been awhile

Sometimes I just don't know where the time goes. It just seems to slip away. Mind you, I've been quite busy of late, but in a good way. I'm having buckets of fun at work and very much enjoy what I do. One of the nicest aspects of my professional life is I work from home a few days per week. Usually I awaken quite early, make a pot of cawfee and enjoy the desert sunrise before I start my work day. I often remark how much more I get done on the days I work from home. Without interruptions, meetings or social chit-chat, tend to work a lot more hours. Well of course I also don't have the unproductive commute time in the car, so it really is more productive.
 But I digress. So yesterday for some reason I decided to run out for my morning coffee. I went to a local coffee shop called Koffi here in Palm Springs. They have a few locations, and I really like to frequent their shops, because they are locally owned and have darned good coffee too! Well anyway I brought my computer, air card and found a nice shady tree in the courtyard to settle in with my coffee and blueberry muffin. In the photo above, you can just see some of the shade from the tree I was sitting beneath. Once I fired up my Mac Book I dug into my e-mails and started working in no time. A cute little birdy flew down from the tree and perched on my table, watching me work. It was at that moment I stopped and realized just how lucky I am. To have a job I love, where I can work nearly anywhere. My "office" that day was this wonderful courtyard with spectacular views. The universe, or one of my angels sent that little birdy to remind me to give thanks for all that I have in my life. And so, once again I am thankful. How about you? Have you given thanks lately?

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