Friday, October 15, 2010

Sheldon and the Nervous Waiter

Yesterday I had a business lunch meeting and decided to bring Sheldon along. He is so accustomed to being with me all the time that I hated to leave him alone all day. I phoned ahead to the restaurant to be sure the patio would be open (it was). Sheldon pranced right on into Mimi's patio as if he owned the joint. My business colleagues arrived shortly and were thrilled to see Sheldon, more than me I think. Our server wasn't a dog person- I could tell. He kept a far distance from Sheldon as he greeted us and took our orders. I'm always a bit taken back when I meet someone who doesn't like animals. 

I understand that there are dog people and cat people, and some cat people really don't like dogs.  Some dog people really don't like cats. But I rarely meet someone who has a physical aversion to an animal. I don't expect everyone to LOVE animals like I do, but it just seems strange when someone reacts so oddly around a dog. Now, keep in mind I'm talking about a standard poodle, not a pit bull or rottweiler or one of those breeds of which some people are leery. Well anyway lunch was fine, and the server was pleasant enough but by the look on his face, his darting eyes and the physical distance he kept from Sheldon I knew he was uncomfortable. I held Sheldon close to me when I saw the server approach, out of courtesy. But now really, could Mr Sheldon really be all that scary??

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