Monday, December 20, 2010

The Adventures of Sheldon and Duncan: The Christmas Portrait

For those of you with pets in your home, no doubt you will appreciate this post. As we're in the final stretch of the Christmas holiday week, I felt it was time to post this holiday photo. It was supposed to be better than it turned out, but the challenge is the subjects of the photo. This brings me to another installment of The Adventures of Sheldon and Duncan: The Christmas Portrait. I am a bit of a traditionalist with things like holiday photos and like everything just so. Both poodles went to the grooming salon for a bath, brush and fluff. Even Owen was clean, fluffy and ready for his close-up. I set the stage with a roaring fire, switched on the Christmas tree lights, and had the lighting just so. I positioned the kids in front of the tree, and on cue, Owen sauntered over to the fireplace and sat on the hearth next to his brothers. 

Sheldon sat up especially straight- he always tries very hard to please- so much so that he had a serious expression on his face. Duncan, on the other hand was smiling non-stop, and looking around. There I stood, giving all sorts of instructions and commands to the three of them, as if they actually understood my direction. They looked left. They looked right. They switched places. I kept clicking away, hoping for the one perfect photo. After a few minutes they became impatient, and just wanted a break. I insisted we try a few more shots. I could see tails wagging excessively, as if they had all they could do to hold back their excitement. 

Then the damn burst. Duncan couldn't hold it in any longer; he darted toward me, tail wagging, smiling broadly. "No-no, Duncan, SIT, SIT" I shouted. He looked at me bewildered. Sheldon remained sitting, but noticeably perturbed by his brothers outburst of emotion. Owen became squirmy and began grooming himself. I fetched some semi-moist dog treats to tempt them into submission. Both dogs were repositioned yet again, and while holding a treat in one hand I began snapping photos. Then the clock chimed- Duncan turned his head. Then an airplane flew overhead- Sheldon looked out the window. It was hopeless. I reviewed the photos captured thus far. Several were blurry. Several were just plain awful. One good one didn't have the kitty in it. One had all three of them, but no one was looking at the camera. ::sigh::

I looked back at my three children and realized they are the best pets for which a guy could ever ask. I smiled at them and called them to me. They were overjoyed with the calling and bounded toward me, licking my face in appreciation. It was then, at that moment I felt the Christmas Spirit. All was well, regardless of who was looking at the camera. We are a family, sharing our own Christmas joy.

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