Nitwit a slow-witted, stupid, or foolish person. Synonyms: fool, blockhead, dolt, dunce, booby.
Ninny: a fool or simpleton.
Nincompoop: a fool or simpleton.
Doubtless some of you have your share of such witless wonders. In the case of this blog, it is one fool who is either so enamored by me or secretly loves the content of this blog that they visit regularly and leave foolish comments. Or should I say hateful comments. I think they are quite amusing actually, but I delete them none-the-less. As I delete them I wonder to myself, doesn't this person have anything better to do in their life than read blogs they dislike? It reminds me of those ultra left wing nut jobs who listen to Rush Limbaugh and scream and yell- when in fact they should just change the channel. Even my friend Cher agrees with me on that. With all the millions of blogs out there I am flattered that anyone even takes the time to read this blog- especially those who claim to hate me. In fact it means even more that someone who hates me continues to read this blog. So for those of you who are friends of this blog, thank for your continued support and friendship. And for that nitwit/ninny/nincompoop who likes to leave negative comments, I sincerely thank you for the continued visits here, I always welcome visitors, they help drive site traffic metrics.
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