Monday, February 1, 2010

My Final Days at PETCO

By now most of you are well aware that last Friday was my last day working at Petco. I spent most of the weekend relaxing, but also reflecting on the past 13 years. As I mentioned in Saturday's post, I need to re-program my mind. Today is a new day- it is the first day as an employee of Natural Balance Pet Foods. I need to do all that normal stuff of getting my office organized and setting up my computer, new e-mail contacts, etc. Before I move on, I'd like to share photos from my last few days at the old job. In all honesty I was surprised to learn that my colleagues wanted to have a "Roast" in my honor to say farewell on Thursday. I really didn't want all the fuss, but it was important closure for the team after my long career with the company. Anyway, the festivities began on Wednesday night, when my direct team hosted a Happy Hour at a local restaurant, which was a lot of fun. Thursday was the busy day; morning exit interviews, an off-site lunch with the senior team, followed by the "Rick Rockhill Roast". The lunch room was filled with colleagues from throughout the organization, including a number of dogs who normally come to work everyday!

above: As I walked in with Sheldon (you can just see his shoulder) I was surprised by how many people showed up. It was very flattering.

above: Someone made a series of wacky posters and put my head on the images. Like this one of Saturday Night Fever. I'd throw my back out if I tried to even pose like John Travolta did...

above: then there was this Harry Potter take-off. There were several others, I just didn't get photos of them all.

above: During the Roast, various people stood up and shared semi-embarrassing (but fun) stories about me or zany memories. A surprising number were either about this blog, my fascination with wearing Ascots or all my celebrity connections. One person told the story of the time I invited Ellen DeGeneres to Palm Springs to visit for the weekend on the first time I met her.

above: I hugged a few people who came up and shared touching stories. I've left off photos of most people- I didn't have time to ask if I could post their photos.

above: One of my team members send me a box of chocolate-dipped strawberries. I ate too many of them before I took a photo of the box they came in, so I snagged this image right from the website. Wow they were good.

above: at the Roast, we feasted on chocolate cupcakes....

above: and CAKE. It was chocolate inside and really delicious. As I ate a piece I actually thought of Empress Bee, of the High Seas. I wished she lived nearby, she could have had a slice! Sheldon kept trying to stretch his pointy nose close enough to get a lick of the frosting. Fortunately I was successful in controlling him. It was a really fun afternoon. If any of my former co-workers happen to read this post, I want you to know how much I appreciate this gesture. It was one heck of a send-off and a huge honor. I was humbled by it all.
As I left the building Friday with Sheldon and Duncan, I breathed a heavy sigh and gazed up at the blue sky and smiled. It had been quite the ride.
-Rick Rockhill

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