Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mystery Cruise, Final Clues

A few final photo clues of my Mystery Cruise for you. Tomorrow I shall reveal this destination! For those of you still following along trying to guess, these may help give you a better idea of my where-abouts. Check out the color of these homes on the hill overlooking the water, aren't they beautiful? Everything is a feast for the eyes here, and so visually stimulating too.

above: this photo won't necessarily give a clue, except for the age of the bike. This place has some history, with a connection to another country...

above: The colorful main square in this city still has horse-drawn carriages.

above: the window shutters are very typical of this locale...

above: I enjoyed a nice relaxing lunch outside yesterday right here...

above: These flowers could be anywhere, I admit but the theme of today's clues is all around COLOR. I hope it helps you guess. I forgot to mention the story of what activity I did on the other day that was typical of this place, and very uncharacteristic of me. Well, I rented a scooter and rode the bike all around the island. I am not adventurous for that sort of activity....I was scared out of my mind to be honest. Zipping along winding narrow roads, riding along trucks, cars and other scooters. It made me quite nervous. My hands were numb from gripping the handles to hard! I don't think I'll ever do that again. Not to mention the stress of driving on the left side of the road. OK that's enough of a clue to help you all guess where I am. Do stop by tomorrow! Hope all is well.
-Rick Rockhill

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