Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mystery Cruise, More Clues

More from the Mystery Cruise. Here are a few more photo clues from the destination. Today's should help you figure out where I am. Although I do admit that some of these could be ANYWHERE, so I've tried to get a little more bold in sharing photos that could "give it away". I'm guessing that experienced cruisers like Empress Bee of the High Sea has already figured this out, along with a few others. But for the rest of you, I hope you are enjoying these mystery clues to guess my locale. One comment clue for you: There is a famous Hollywood acting couple who have a home here. OK, here are the rest of the clues for today:

above: another photo of a residence on a particular street of some fame. Now no cheating and googling things, just try to guess!

above: This could be a major clue, for those of you familiar with this destination. Otherwise it is just a nice photo from the wedding ceremony I attended yesterday.
above: this clue has something that should suggest the locale, but I admit my camera may not have correctly captured the color hues...

above: Another clue. The color is the real HINT!

-Rick Rockhill

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