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Goobers Anyone?
Okay, so back in July I was in NYC on business and one night went to the midnight opening preview of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. While at the cinema I purchased a ginormous popcorn bucket, a Coke and a box of Goobers. I was so enthralled with the movie that I barely finished my popcorn or Coke. Needless to say I didn't get to the box of Goobers. Now the reason I mentioned this is that the Goobers cost me $6.00. Yes, six dollars for a 3.5 oz size "movie pack" package of chocolate covered peanuts. Remember that I used to work in the confectionery industry a zillion years ago, and a whole pound of high quality chocolate covered peanuts cost us something like $2.00. Anyway the point is I wasn't about to throw them away. So I carried it back to my hotel at 2:30 AM (after the midnight showing ended). I didn't eat them in NY, brought them back to Palm Springs, where they sat in the pantry all summer. Then I brought the box with me on the cruise to the Aegean Sea- and never ate them. The box traveled to Rome, Greece, Turkey, Egypt and back to Palm Springs CA and landed back in the kitchen pantry. So fast forward to last night, I was relaxing at home and had the midnight munchies. Nothing sounded good and it was too late for me to "make" anything. I found myself staring into the pantry looking for something to "pop" out. Suddenly I saw it-the box of Goobers from the NY movie theatre. I broke open the box and ate the entire contents in the span of a few minutes. Even for "low grade" chocolate, the Goobers were pretty darn good. I miss the double dipped Fannie May milk chocolate covered peanuts I used to enjoy, but these were fine. As I finished the package I was disgusted with myself. Then I read the front panel which read: "5 grams of Protein per serving. is that good or bad I wondered. For a moment I thought, oh there was some redeeming quality to this snack. So I read the nutrition facts. This 3.5 oz package is supposedly 2.5 servings. So in the span of 5 minutes I consumed nearly 500 calories, 50% of my total daily requirement for fat, 16% of daily carb needs. Wow who knew? I'll just need to do some laps in the pool this weekend I guess. So what are your favorite snacks?
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