above: Inside the walled city, there are all sorts of interesting old structures, including this ammunition tower.

above: parts of the walled city have wooden doors like these. They add charm to it, don't you think?

above: Later we found this really old part of the city and stopped for a late lunch.

above: After a hard day at work, a cold beer was in order...

above: I had Spargle Soup (white asparagus soup), with some warm, freshly made pretzel bread. Wow, it was delicious. I also had some bratwurst and sauerkraut. It was a delicious meal! I'm really enjoying Nuremberg, its a charming place.

above: later, on the way back to my hotel I snapped this photo. Its a little blurry but I think it still conveys the charm of how this city feels at night. I hope you enjoyed today's installment of Rick's Roadshow. I'll be back again tomorrow!
-Rick Rockhill
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