Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany Part 2

Another busy day at work but not without a few interesting stops along the way. Today Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany Part 2 continues my week-long coverage here in this historic old city. Last night we had the most incredible thunder and lightning storm. The entire sky was illuminated with huge thunderbolts. I opened the blinds to enjoy the light show against the dark night sky. Much of yesterday was spent at the Messe exhibition center, working with the team to ensure our trade show booth was set up and displayed properly. After a long day, we escaped and set out to explore some of the city and find something to eat. I was surprised at how nice the weather was, as the weather forecast called for rain, but it was sunny and clear.

above: Inside the walled city, there are all sorts of interesting old structures, including this ammunition tower.

above: parts of the walled city have wooden doors like these. They add charm to it, don't you think?

above: Later we found this really old part of the city and stopped for a late lunch.

above: After a hard day at work, a cold beer was in order...

above: I had Spargle Soup (white asparagus soup), with some warm, freshly made pretzel bread. Wow, it was delicious. I also had some bratwurst and sauerkraut. It was a delicious meal! I'm really enjoying Nuremberg, its a charming place.

above: later, on the way back to my hotel I snapped this photo. Its a little blurry but I think it still conveys the charm of how this city feels at night. I hope you enjoyed today's installment of Rick's Roadshow. I'll be back again tomorrow!
-Rick Rockhill

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