Friday, May 14, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany Part 3

Welcome to Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany Part 3. Yesterday was a full day at the Interzoo pet trade show in Nuremberg. I spent the whole day working with future international clients at the show. I can speak enough Italian and French to get by without insulting anyone, and my English isn't so bad either! We had a few German-speaking folks on hand so we pretty much had things well in hand all way. I must admit, I do enjoy the international aspect of my position. Natural Balance is a well respected pet food brand across the world, especially in Asia and Europe. After the show finished we went to dinner and I snapped a few photos:

above: a nifty old clock tower sort of structure.

above: this is the big abbey in the center of the old city, its so beautiful.

above: I walked past this building last night and was struck by the detail on the top, isn't it cool? Well that's all for today, I was mostly at work all day! Tomorrow I'll try to take a few photos from the Interzoo show, so do stop back again.
-Rick Rockhill

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