Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany Part 4

Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany continues with Part 4. Yesterday was a hectic day at the Interzoo trade show; my team and I were exhausted from a constant flow of international retailers and distributors flowing through the Nuremberg Messe exhibition center. After work, I set out for some dinner in the old walled city and found this wonderful restaurant corner. If you look closely you can see the nifty details on the side of the house. In the corner, tucked in the ivy lamp is a hanging rope with a hundred or so glass wine bottles. A fun place for sure.

above: this is the side of the house pictured in the top left photo. It has a nice sidewalk garden seating area.

above: tucked in the sidewalk garden area was this fun bench, complete with a German man and woman at either end. It made me want to sit there, but it was rather chilly to be seated outside.

above: I'll leave off the main course of the meal but I wanted to show this photo in particular. They served the first course on a regular plat, but inside a special paper bag, which they tore open when brought to the table. This is a fairly high end restaurant, and I had a delicious tortellini pasta. I've never seen food served this way in a fine dining restaurant, strange, but delicious.

above: after dinner I ordered a cheese plate, which was also served with slices of fresh Italian bread, drizzle of aged balsamic vinegar and olive oil. I have really developed a taste for cheese after dinner now. Perhaps one of the things I like best about being in Germany is the food experience. Part of it is a surprise when it shows up at the table. While I usually know if something is beef, chicken or fish, often times I can't work out how it is prepared, so its always an adventure when it arrives. I'm here for a few more days so I have more fun in dining rooms yet to come! Do stay tuned and stop back when you can.
-Rick Rockhill

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