above: The Kowloon Bay was very froggy when the ferry was crossing it. The rain was coming down quite hard the entire time.

above: On my way to an afternoon appointment I planned a side bar to check out a temple. This is the gate to the Tin Hai Temple in Kowloon.

above: the garden leading to Tin Hau Temple

above: Tin Hau Temple itself.

above: I tried to go in the temple, but there was some sort of ceremony going on so I just stayed out front instead.

above: the back of the Temple has a little waterway with mini-bridges. Check out the wall with the Chinese Dragons on it.

above: Here is a close up of those Chinese Dragons on the wall...

above: In the temple's reflection park, a group of men gathered together having just left the temple.

above: Later in the day while walking Kowloon on foot, I found a few different farmers markets type places. Mainly they had the usual fare...but a few unusual things popped up too...

above: OK so I recognize the grapes, but WHAT are the red is things behind them (top left in photo)?

above: and WHAT are the puple-ish things in the lower left of this photo?

above: the market stalls also featured a variety of roots and dry goods too.

above: ah, some fruit I recognize!

above: this kitty was busy protecting her fruit stand!

above: the markets also had interesting drinks, like these: Sugar Cane juice, Sago drink and Papaya drink.

above: and of course, they had the gross butcher stuff hanging right out in the open. Blech.

above: later in the day I made my way to the famous Jade Market to try to find some decent quality jade at good prices.

above: the entrance to Jade Market. Its really just a bunch of tent table stalls in a huge pen. There are some deals to be had, but you need to be careful not to buy cheap jade that has been colored. I suppose if you really want the highest grade jade, you need to go to reputable jeweler. But for the odd souvenir, the Jade Market suits its purpose!

above: I'm still not sure why, but Hong Kong is loaded with places offering foot massages. The signs are virtually on every corner in Kowloon.

above: it may be tough to see but there are three foot massage signs in this one photo alone.

above: the foot massages are based on reflexology (see chart above). Parts of our feet are connected to various part of our body, including vital organs. I broke down and got a foot massage. It was well worth it especially as I had been on my feet all day already.

above: earlier I mentioned how good the subway is here. This is not just a photo of the subway map. Its how you buy tickets. All you need to do is tap the station you are going to and it spits out a ticket for you. Pretty cool, huh?

above: Cakes Galore. I took this photo just for Empress Bee of the High Seas...

above: and finally...just one of the many hip and trendy clubs in Hong Kong. This is on the Hong Kong side, and was close to my hotel. I like how they blend the traditional elements with contemporary design.
Well Thursday night I leave Hong Kong and head to my next destination: Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. I'll try to post again from Hong Kong, it just depends on how much work I have to do on Thursday. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by.
-Rick Rockhill
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