Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Taipei, Taiwan Day 1

Well, here I am once again in a new country. Welcome to Rick's Roadshow from Taipei, Taiwan. This is the Republic of China, a democratic government separate from mainland China. The day began with extensive tours of pet stores in the area, and I also attended the Taipei Pet Expo, where I participated in an interesting presentation with consumers. It was unusual to give a speech and have to wait for the translator to explain everything I said to the audience. I enjoyed the experience a great deal. In between the day's various appointments I stopped along the way to see a few sights with my colleagues from Taipei. Later in the day it was my distinct honor and privilege to have an audience with the esteemed Professor Yeh. The visit turned out to be quite memorable- one which I shall never forget. I definitely felt as though I was in the presence of a very wise man. I am grateful for the experience and will cherish the time I spent with him. Ok now on with the rest of the day. Check out some photos from my day, I hope you enjoy them:

above: I cannot say where this is, as it is confidential. However this is just one example of the incredible jade treasures I saw. These are three beautiful jade Buddah. Wow.

above: We had lunch at Din Tai Fung, one of the absolute best Chinese restaurants I have ever enjoyed!

above: I liked the visual of these huge building billboards.

above: just a scenic area of Taipei gardens.
My Visit to The Great Temple

above: this is the view from across the street of the most beautiful temple I have ever seen. Come on in with me, follow these photos carefully below:

above: a close up of the very top portion of the exterior. Look at the incredible detail!

above: on either side of the very front entrance were these columns of Chinese dragons.

above: just before you actually enter the temple is this huge urn, flanked by Chinese dragons. The urn has incense offerings burning to ward off evil spirits and honor the gods.

above: the main altar when you walk in- incredible, isn't it?

above: a little closer of the main altar. People were walking around, praying, making offerings to the gods (fruit, incense, and other small gifts)

above: even closer still, right up to the back wall. Check it out by clicking on the image. Each of the five men are gods for each direction- North, South, East, West and the middle who watches it all.

above: inside the main temple is a second floor temple, it is also quite ornate and exceptionally beautiful. In front is the large round urn for incense offerings to the gods.

above: on the side of the main alter is this tiger altar.

above: another side altar with a beautiful dragon.
Thanks for stopping by today. I'll be back again tomorrow with another fresh installment of Rick's Roadshow from Taipei.
-Rick Rockhill

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