The city of Seoul is very different from Tokyo. Seoul seems more typical of other big cities. It shares the same flaws of any western city, but also boasts many positive aspects and interesting historical sites. Clearly, the Koreans are very intelligent, with advancements in technology and such evident throughout the country. One interesting side note, they have the most amazing highway rest-stops. They are huge with numerous restaurants and things to do. Throngs of people were relaxing in cafes and listening to live music, just on the highway rest stop. Fascinating. Anyway here are today's photos:

above: Here with the top Associate Professor from Seoul National University, in the College of Veterinary Medicine. This was just after my tour of their facilities.

above: a temple entrance.

above: another entrance to a temple, with a playground for kids.

above: The Korean "White House" where their president works.

above: A nifty statue of remembrance for war veterans.

above: This colorful ceiling was at the entrance to the Palace. Koreans believe this design helps ward off evil spirits and bad luck. It was very beautiful.

above: Statue of the famous King Sejong who created the Korean alphabet of characters to write.

above: a famous Korean General whose name escapes me.

above: This was an unexpected surprise. Regular apartment buildings with rather interesting art scenes.

above: another building with an art scene on it. Sorry its a bit blurry, it was raining. Or should I say "Laining" like the locals say it. Well that's all for today's edition of Rick's Roadshow. Stay tuned for more from my Asian World Tour...
-Rick Rockhill
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