Saturday, September 19, 2009

Furry Friends are Fun

This morning I was watching the two poodles and cat run around the house like complete maniacs, chasing each other, playing and having an all-around great time together. It made me smile seeing them so happy together.At times it was like a high speed train, just blur of fur whiring past, with the occasional squeal, elongated me-ows and gentle barks as the three of them ran back and forth. Whenever I thought it was getting a bit too rowdy, I’d shout out their names and tell them to calm down. They would slam on the brakes and stare at me as if I were crazy. I could almost hear them say “Aww dad, we’re just playing!”. Just a short while later, the three of them were curled up together asleep, resting in total bliss, content with the companionship of each other. It reminded me how important companionship really is throughout the animal kingdom. Most people, dogs, cats, birds, baboons, whatever- all seek companionship. I can’t imagine our lives without a pet. When things get stressful, there is nothing like a kitty asleep in your lap to calm you down. Or being greeted by a wagging tail by a grateful dog to see you again. The stress just drains right out and makes you feel grounded again.

If you don't have the companionship of a pet today get one. You'll be amazed how much they enrich your life. The shelters have so many dogs and cats that need a good home right now, there are plenty from which to choose to meet your lifestyle and home. So don't be lonely or bored- do what the rest of the animal kingdom does, find a furry friend and snuggle!
-Rick Rockhill

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