Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Integrity Matters

Integrity: (n) adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. 
synonyms: rectitude, probity, virtue
antonym: dishonesty

Have you ever known someone whose behaviors and actions demonstrate a complete lack of integrity and moral fiber? A controlling person who uses fear to manage others? Someone who leaves a path of destruction daily? An individual devoid of common manners or social graces? How about someone who uses aggressive language and intimidation as standard behavior? I'm sorry to say I know just such a person. As a result of their own actions and personality, I believe this individual will have a trail of negative karma for a very long time. In my view, life is just too short to deal with such negativity, so I choose to limit interaction with such individuals at all costs. Instead, I prefer to spend my time with virtous people with a positive attitude, and a smile on their face. That's my advice to you for the day. If this helps one person this week I'll consider this rant worth the time it took to write and your precious time to read it. Thanks for stopping by.
-Rick Rockhill

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