Monday, September 14, 2009

My Fantastic Forties....

Now that I'm well into my early 40's I can honestly say that life is in fact better than my thirties. (Well so far anyway). I feel better than I did then; I try to take care of myself by doing the following: stay out of the sun, get my daily allotment of sleep, keep alcohol to a minimum, avoid too many processed foods, take my barrage of vitamins, and supplements (including fish oil), and eat fresh foods and vegetables. Regular readers know I am an advocate of organic foods, primarily to reduce the amout of pesticides I consume. But more recently, I have been particular about certain types of proteins we eat. For example, I now try to eat wild caught salmon, grass-fed beef, free range eggs and free range organic chicken. I've read that grass-fed beef has as many omega 3's as wild caught salmon and is actually pretty good for you. Who knows for sure. If I had just one piece of advice to someone, I'd say eat less processed foods. Anything pre-made, from a box or fast food. Oh and whatever you do, avoid high fructose corn syrup ("HFCS"). It's bad. I mean really bad. Eat regular sugar before HFCS. Don't get me wrong, from time to time I splurge and eat junk food. But I don't let it be part of my regular routine. Pay attention to what you eat. Read labels. If you can't pronounce it, google it. As the saying goes, your body is a temple. Well now you didn't come here for me to lecture you so I'll stop here. Here's hoping for another 41 years- at least! In fact I hope to live to over 100, like my great grandfather Luigi.
-Rick Rockhill

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