Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can You Guess?

Earlier this week I was in Miami on business. I took a bunch of photos at various points headed to and from meetings. I'll post the fun photos tomorrow, but for today I thought it might be fun to test your powers of observation with these two photos. All you need to do it try to guess what time it was (approximately) in each of these two photos. The only clues I will give you are:
Both photos were taken this week, in Miami Beach, Florida. Leave your comments with your guess on time of day for each photo as indicated:

above: Photo #1

above: Photo #2
Good Luck!
Update: The correct times of each photo are: #1 5:01 AM and #2 11:14 AM. A lot of you were close, good judge of the sun's position!
-Rick Rockhill

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