Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Mysterious Case of Missing Socks

I have a mystery on my hands that has me stupefied. It's the Mysterious Case of Missing Socks. Its one of the chores I dread most- folding socks. I don't mind sorting and washing them, that's no problem. Its when they come out of the dryer that I hate these knitted foot coverings ever so. I'm wondering if you have the same problem that our household has- an ever-growing pile of single-socks. Yes, socks with no match. I'm at the point that I could probably open a sock shop for one-legged men. I can't figure out our how it is that so many socks just go missing. Before you move on, look at this photo above. It is the pile of clean socks from the dryer (ok so its a few loads, but they are all clean). I start the folding process by sorting them out by color on the bed in one of the guest rooms, so I can see them all. Then I begin to find pairs and fold them...that is until I have to chase a few socks down the hall...

above: of course, having two mischievous sock-bandit poodles in the house doesn't help. Here is Duncan caught red-handed. Ahem, red-mouthed, I guess... escaping with a sock! He practically tip toes over the the side of the bed, carefully pulls off a sock with his front teeth and runs away, trying not to be noticed! But in all honesty, I know the poodles are not all to blame. I eventually find the socks they steal. So where do the rest of them go??

above: Check out the very first photo at the top. Those were ALL the socks that I washed. Now look at this immediate photo above. All the single socks lined up at the foot of the bed have no match. It's a case for Sherlock Holmes. In an effort to keep better track of my socks, once I have them folded, they go into special drawers by type of sock, color or pattern:

above: strictly casual socks, cotton/wool blends from black, green and tan...

above: more casual socks, in cotton, from black to grey to tan...

above: wool dress socks, in green, olive and khaki...

above: wool/cotton dress blue socks

above: wool/nylon/cotton dress black socks
All my colored socks get folded in half like these above. Despite my cataloging system, I somehow lose socks. Where could they all disappear to? Is it the sock monster? The black hole? A cosmic rift? A time-space continuum Perhaps some other mysterious force of nature? At times, I'm tempted to throw out all my socks and just buy one color and call it a day. Or maybe I should hire a sock detective. Hmmmm.
What's the story with socks in your home?
-Rick Rockhill

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