Monday, December 14, 2009

Guide Dogs of the Desert Hero's Brunch

On Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the 3rd Annual Guide Dogs Heroes Brunch. Thanks to the generosity of several major donors, the cost of brunch was completely underwritten so all proceeds help to continue to the mission of the organization. I am personally interested in what the Guide Dogs group does, but also from a business standpoint, my company helps raise and donate money for them as well. Guide Dogs of the Desert's website explains that their mission is to "improve the lives of the blind by creating opportunities for life-changing independence, and by conducting community outreach and education programs." I've had the privilege of being involved with this group for several years now and find it so inspiring. This year they chose to honor my company and our foundation, along with Natural Balance dog food for our joint partnership in support of Guide Dog schools across the country. So I attended in an official capacity representing my company to accept their award. I was humbled by their appreciation and felt so pleased to be affiliated with this great organization.

above: the invitation to the Guide Dogs Heroes brunch

above: A fun moment on stage when two guide dogs have a social moment together. Later in the presentation we heard from a visually impaired person who received a guide dog. He described how he had late onset of an eye disorder where he had full vision until his forties-and then lost his sight. Imagine how that would affect you? With a guide dog, he us now able to continue to work, travel for his job and not only continue to support himself but contribute to society as well. It is difficult to imagine until you hear from someone who shares their story with you. This Heroes Brunch did exactly that, elevated the status of these wonderful dogs who become heroes for people everyday.

above: This guide dog-in-training, "Bailey" was all tuckered out, and took a moment to relax during the presentation.

above: this is the beautiful award from the Guide Dogs of the Desert. I accepted it on behalf of my company and was humbled by their appreciation. If you ever have an opportunity to attend a graduation ceremony at a guide dog school near where you live, do yourself the favor and attend. They are free to attend and open to the public- it will really move and inspire you in many ways. If you want to help Guide Dogs of the Desert in some way, click here.

-Rick Rockhill

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