Now, some might ask, why I was carrying my iPad around to dinner, and if I hadn't done so it wouldn't have been stolen. I suppose that is true, but later it was interesting to hear the number of other stories from locals who had their own possessions stolen in the same week! It is probably also worth mentioning here that I am not a country bumpkin. I lived and worked in New York City, Boston, Chicago, London and San Diego, so I consider myself to be street smart, a real city guy, certainly not naive to the ways of city life. Atlanta crime is bad. It is out of control for such a crime to take place in a very built up area with movie theaters, restaurants and shopping. Beware, Atlantic Station may look safe, but it is not!

above: this is the Atlantic Station area of Atlanta. In speaking with several businesses, locals and police, the city has been over-run with crime recently. A young woman told me her purse had been snatched the day before. A bartender told me his car had been broken into two days prior. Yep, Atlantic Station is not safe for visitors or locals either, for that matter. I'd certainly recommend staying away from the area if you don't have to come here. Do not dine here or be out after dark.

above: this is the fine dining restaurant where the theft occurred, right outside the front door. It is in the Atlantic Station shopping district.

above: this is the Millennium Arch, where my high speed pursuit on foot ended, to no avail. Finally the Atlanta police arrived but the thief was long gone. I was exhausted from running, hot and sweaty from chasing the bad man. Fortunately there wasn't much on my brand new iPad that wasn't backed up. So in the grand scheme of things, it was a low impact theft. I'm just out $918.59 which is what I paid for my iPad. Do I blame Atlantic Station for not having adequate security? Yes I do. Do I blame Atlanta police for not patrolling the area, while they were in one area? Yes I do. Do I blame the city of Atlanta for allowing such a high rate of crime in a shopping district that is intended to attract business visitors and tourist? Yes I do. Will I return to Atlanta anytime soon? Nope. Am I being rational? Probably not, but I have a right to be, as a new victim of this city.
So if you are planning a trip to Atlanta, BEWARE! Watch your wallet, hold onto your purse, lock up your valuables. Don't take anything out with you that you don't want stolen. Atlanta is not safe.
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