Sunday, August 8, 2010

Simple Pleasures of Being Home

This morning I woke up with someone's paw sticking in my back. Sheldon had stretched out like a person during the night and made himself completely comfortable. His arms were out straight across, reaching toward my spine. Duncan, in the meantime had also extended his legs the length of the bed and had his head on the pillow. His face was turned toward me, ears spread out lavishly, with his eyes closed. Then there was Owen, curled up at my feet, snoozing away. A collection of their favorite plush toys were strewn haphazardly on the bed; they must have brought them to bed when I had fallen asleep earlier- so cute, I thought to myself. I was sort of stuck into a position in my own bed, but when I glanced at the three of the kids all happily resting together, I realized once again how good it was to be home. I gazed out the window watching the palm trees sway in the gentle morning breeze. The first light of sunrise was breaking on the beautiful San Jacinto mountains, spreading hues of pink and orange. I smiled broadly and counted my blessings for the wonderful life I have, grateful that I recognize the simple pleasures of home.
-Rick Rockhill

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