Monday, August 16, 2010

More Refreshing Moments at Home

Sunday was one of those lazy summer days, when we did absolutely nothing at all. I was up early, ground some fresh coffee beans and was on the patio by 6:00 reading the news on my iPad and sipping a robust cup of organic coffee. I love watching the early morning sun, it is definitely a high-point of each day for me. By noon time the sun was in in full force, driving me into the pool. I had my camera because I was bird watching and had hopes of getting a few good photos, but alas, no luck. As I was sitting in the pool, I looked down and noticed the shadow of a palm tree on the bottom of my pool. I thought it made for a nice refreshing photo, worthy of the lead photo in today's post. I was in no hurry to leave the water, so I sat on the steps, submerged, floating and staring up into the bright blue summer sky.

above: Sheldon and Duncan hate to miss anything, so they sat outside with me, near the back pool. We have shade structures, so they were not sitting directly in the sun. They were happy to be with me, keeping a watchful eye on everything I was doing. That cactus- type plant in the green pot are cuttings of a "Thorns of Christ" plant that I've been trying to root. It's struggling but doing better finally. If you look carefully in the photo above. you can see my reflection in the French doors. I took another photo, but zoomed in closer on Duncan:

above: Mr Duncan-Diggory was about as happy as he could be. Later he noticed my reflection in the door also and tilted his head trying to figure it out.

above: the west patio is one of my more favorite areas on the property, it is so peaceful and calm to me. That "organ pipe cactus" is really taking off, I'm so pleased he is doing well this year. Well that's all for now. Hope you have a great week, and thanks for stopping by today.

-Rick Rockhill

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