Sunday, August 15, 2010

Refreshing Moments at Home

The weather here in Palm Springs has been exceptionally good this summer. Days are filled with abundant sunshine, reasonable dry heat, and in the evening, it has been dropping down to 70-75 degrees, which is unusual for the desert in the summer months. I've been virtually living outside, enjoying it all and savoring the idyllic weather. I thought it might be interesting to show another side of life in Palm Springs with a refreshing photo of a water feature we have in our back pool. This feature has flat rocks stacked up, with water flowing down over them. This photo alone didn't seem to tell the whole story, so while I was in the pool, I took the following short video the end you can "jump in the water with me"...turn your sound way up, its very calming...

Hope you have a wonderful, tranquil and peaceful day.
-Rick Rockhill

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