Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Adventures of Sheldon & Duncan: Out for Exercise

It has been awhile since I've written of The Adventures of Sheldon & Duncan, and then yesterday I found inspiration for a new episode. The weather forecast for Southern California was menacing; threats of rains, wind and record cold temperatures. I envisioned a weekend being locked inside with the poodles unable to go out to play. Being young, large and energetic dogs, they need their daily exercise. Normally they go out several times per day to play- and burn off some steam. With the forecast of a long rainy weekend I decided to take them out a few times before the rains arrived. They love going for walks, especially when we get to one particular spot where it is safe to let them off-leash to run. Here is a short video clip of them out for exercise:

As you saw from this video, standard poodles are pretty good athletes. They love to run at high speeds and chase each other, taking turns at who leads in the game. It warms my heart to see them happy like this, enjoying their free time. It also serves as a reminder that some breeds need to run, and if paired with a home lifestyle that cannot offer that outlet, dogs can become unhappy and do naughty things indoors. So there is my PSA to urge folks to do your research on the needs of a breed before bringing one into your home. Meanwhile, both Sheldon and Duncan had another adventure while out for exercise. As it turned out, the rain was short-lived in the desert, and Palm Springs was spared most of the wintry-weather that fell on Southern California. So in the end, the poodles had access to their usual exercise adventure, repeated just like this video above. Indeed, it is good to be a poodle in my home.

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