Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Day at Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Yesterday was the second official day of the 135th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. I spent the entire day at Madison Square Garden, shoulder to shoulder with the handlers, judges and groomers. It is always an interesting blend of activity under one roof. The differences in dogs alone is enough to give pause. The tiniest of tiny toy dogs to the most giant breeds are benched (meaning they remain assembled on display when not being shown). The Westminster Kennel Club is an all-breed, benched show so there are lots of dogs to see while walking around. 
Dogs and their handlers are from all over the country competing in the most prestigious show in the US. I read somewhere that the Westminster Kennel Club is the longest running sporting event in American History, after the Kentucky Derby (horse racing). The sport of Dog Fancy has officially been around since the early 1900's, but of course human affection for dogs dates back thousands of years.
As the day progressed, there were plenty of sights that that caught my eye. This one (photo left) was an interesting switch. Most tables, it was the dog getting groomed. But here, it was the handler being groomed by the dog's groomer. I loved how her dog looked on while her handler's hair was brushed! Cute, huh? Well it seemed to me anyway!
A nervous moment of jitters of both the dog and handler.

Exhausted, but happy to be in the limelight.

This terrier was super cute with a great personality.

This cutie was standing on his grooming table patiently while he was given a hair trip. I just loved the towel draped around his neck, almost as a person would in a barber shop. I chuckled to myself because even if a few hairs fell onto his shoulder, his shoulders are covered in fur too. But maybe I was missing something.
He was also getting a manicure/pedicure. He extended his paw quite readily and stood perfectly still. These are the sort of things you don't often think about or see when they cover dog shows, so I just had to include this in today's post.
She is Pretty in Pink, don't you think?

a deflated St Bernard who didn't place in his breed group

Mickey won Best in Breed for St Bernards

isn't this a great line up- look at them all....

Wonderful Irish Setters

I love this photo, ready for the judge, please!

Stay tuned tomorrow for more photos!

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