Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Basics of Blogging and Joining the Conversation

Recently I was interviewed by CBS for a news story they were working on about Blogging and Social Media. Naturally, I was happy to participate. After all, I enjoy blogging and various aspects of social media- I believe it is changing the world as we speak. Long time readers know that this blog was initiated because I wanted to share information about what it is like living in the beautiful desert of Palm Springs. 

I've been fortunate to be able to attend a wide range of social events and to meet many interesting people along the way. Of course, living in a place that boasts "having more stars than there are in the sky" means it isn't unusual to be sitting next to a famous person while having lunch, or to rub elbows with the likes of Brad Pitt while sipping a martini. In addition to all that, I truly love this city, and want to spread the word about how great a place Palm Springs is to visit.

I suppose being The Palm Springs Savant it helped that the local affiliate here in Palm Springs KPSP CBS-2 wanted to run the story. They posted excerpts of the TV interview on their station website (see clip below).

Reporter Kate Cagle was wonderful to work with, and also posted this article on the CBS-2 website. Kate does a great job demonstrating how easy it is to start blogging and using other tools such as Twitter and Facebook. This article is part of a series on technology and social conversations, so I would recommend checking it out, and don't forget to Tweet back at Kate that you liked the story. Her Twitter name is @KateCagle and her TV station name on Twitter is @LocalTwo Oh give me shout out on Twitter to me too @RickRockhill

The Basics of Blogging and Joining the Conversation

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