Monday, February 14, 2011

Wonderful Weekend of Westminster

I'm not sure where the last year went, but here we are at another Westminster Dog Show.  I've attended this show for a very long time and each year I still find it exciting and interesting too. For those of us who enjoy the Dog Fancy, it is a real treat to be around all these dogs and enjoy their own distinct personalities. This weekend was action packed, including the Pre-Westminster Doggie Fashion Show, (pics here) a "Doggie Wedding", the Show Dog Awards, a Yappy Hour shelter benefit and an exhibition for dog fanciers which is still running at the Hotel Pennsylvania.
The dogs involved at Westminster need to burn off some pent up energy and keep fit too! These "Jog A Dog" treadmills do the trick. I get a kick out of seeing the dogs hop right up on the treadmill and walk on it, in a very matter-of-fact manner. Not sure why I find it so amusing, but I just do.
Me and my dear friend Miss Candy
Aside from the work aspect of being at Westminster, it is also nice to see old friends again and chat about the dogs we love. Dog shows have plenty of non-glamorous aspects to them, but there are nights when you get to dress up and celebrate these wonderful creatures who bring so much joy into our lives. Today and tomorrow I'll be at Madison Square Garden most of the day working with and talking to the show handlers, groomers and judges- all behind the scenes stuff you won't see on television. I'll try to get some photos to share if I can.

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