Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well I’m here to tell you I’ll probably have to take a little brake from posting on my blog. Not really because I want to, but because I’m forced to do so. I’m learning around the clock and I’m just too tired to do anything in between. Plus yesterday my back went out on me and my back is so severely locked that it’s hard to move. I’m taking quite some strong painkillers and now I have to see a physiotherapist in my spare time. So basically there is no more time left. I’ll try to post something, but I’ll be glad if it’s once a week, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to. We will see. Either way I’m still standing and I am not abandoning the blog! Here’s the delightful and incredibly famous song “I’m still standing” by Elton John in its most amazing live version. Truly one of my favourites.   

Plus something extra: Here's a lovely behind the scenes videoclip at Chanel: The secrets of the workshop;  (You wouldn't believe how much effort is put into the creation of such a everyday accessory).

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