These are especially difficult times for many people. No one ever said life was fair. There are times in life when it seems the light has gone out, and others when it shines so bright that we need to squint our eyes. Whether we realize it or not, each of us make decisions throughout our lives that change its course, sometimes for the better, and sometimes not. When life deals less than ideal circumstances, we still have a choice. Even when those circumstances are the most dire and disappointing, we always have a choice. The ability to choose is a very powerful action- always remember that. Even if the only choice you can make is one that is inside of your head, it is still a choice you can make. Being an avid reader of autobiographies, I have an unquenchable thirst for the wisdom of others. I've always felt it was wise to learn from one's own mistakes, but is even wiser to learn from others. Interestingly enough, some of the greatest autobiographies I have read all have a recurring theme: choosing your attitude. Decide whether you choose to be a person who sees the proverbial glass as half empty or half full. (I choose the latter). I consider myself to be quite fortunate because at a very young age I learned how short life can be. It isn't worth wasting each precious day worrying, angry, and upset. Don't choose negative thoughts, they whittle away your life. I submit to you, gentle reader that life is just a bowl of cherries. It depends on whether or not you choose to accept the pits, or spit them out.
-Rick Rockhill
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