Friday, May 1, 2009

Philatelic Friday: Stamps about Guide Dogs

Today is May 1st, the start of National Guide Dog Month. It's a perfect topic for my weekly Philatelic Friday series. Since I am resourceful and persistent, I managed to dig up a series of postage stamps from around the world about Guide Dogs! Can you image the luck? I should take this time to disclose that I worked with my company and one of our vendors to plan a month-long fundraiser in all of our stores and online for Guide Dog schools nationwide. You'll hear more about it on this blog for the next few weeks, so I apologize in advance if I blog about it too much. The exciting part is that American Idol judge and singer Paula Abdul is our spokesperson for National Guide Dog Month. If you want to see a nifty video of Paula Abdul about this, click here. But for today, I present this week's installment of Philatelic Friday: Stamps About Guide Dogs. The first one above left is from Ireland. Enjoy the rest:

above: UK Guide Dog stamp

above: another UK Guide Dog stamp

above: Netherlands Guide Dogs

above: USA Guide Dog stamp
above: Canada Guide Dog stamp
Thanks for stopping by this week's installment of Philatelic Friday featuring Guide Dog stamps! Don't forget to check out that cool Paula Abdul Guide Dog video
-Rick Rockhill

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