Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Movie Colony Hotel: Cactus in Bloom

There is a nifty boutique hotel in Palm Springs called the Movie Colony Hotel, located in was once a neighborhood where movie stars lived. Originally designed by famed architect Albert Frey, the hotel has been featured in Architectural Digest magazine as an example of the many noteworthy Mid-Century modern properties which have become synonymous with Palm Springs style. This post however is not about the architecture or the movie stars who once frequented this hotel. Instead, it is to highlight the beautiful cactus garden. So here are a few photos, I hope you enjoy them:

above: tall & proud cactus line the walkway into the front entrance of the hotel.

above: the prickly pear cactus are thick and full, providing vibrant color contrasts of yellow, purple and green.

above: look at how beautiful these cactus are...go ahead, click on the pics to biggify them...

above: this close up really shows how beautiful the yellow cactus flowers are. It is a wonderful combination of texture and color.
Hope you have a great day today, and thanks for stopping by.
-Rick Rockhill

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