Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Saturday Seven: Favorite Easter Candy

Today I found inspiration from my Easter basket for this week's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Favorite Easter Candy. Regular readers know that I am a chocolate is one of my personal pleasures, and is synonymous with all major holidays. (Easter wouldn't be Easter, Christmas wouldn't be Christmas, etc). It went back to when I was a little kid, when the local candy shops on the East coast called Fanny Farmer were where my family bought the holiday candy. I can remember being a little kid and going to the Fanny Farmer Candy Shop downtown for an ice cream cone. It was always a special trip for me. Years later when I worked for the Chicago based Fannie May Candy Shops I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I had true reverence for the candy business, and enjoyed the seasonal aspects of each holiday. Easter was no exception. Thus the topic for this week's Saturday Seven: Favorite Easter Candy:
#1 Marshmallow Eggs- hands down my favorite. I love how they melt in my mouth.

#2 Cream Eggs- the fruit and nut and dark vanilla cream are so delicious.

#3 Jelly Beans- Made with Pectin means they are good for you (really).

#4 Foil Wrapped Milk Chocolate Eggs- so smooth n creamy!

#5 Foil Wrapped Bunnies- For some reason they taste different from the eggs...
#6 Solid Chocolate Rabbits- Dark or Milk Chocolate, you have to bite the ears off first, everybody knows that!

#7 Carmel Pecan Fudge Egg
- Its a perfect combination of flavors, and perfect to slice off a piece at a time to savor it.
Well that's my list of favorite Easter Candy. What do you like? Go ahead, leave a comment. Oh and by the way, Happy Easter to you.
-Rick Rockhill

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