Monday, April 6, 2009

Hanging Out With Paula Abdul

This past weekend I had an exceptionally busy schedule. It was a blend of business and pleasure, interwoven very closely but even the work aspect was enjoyable. Regular readers of this blog know that I avoid discussing my professional life because this is a personal blog. That being said, there are aspects of the weekend that were personal/social and therefore I can write about them here on my own blog. I am fiercely protective and respectful of certain friendships I have with high profile people. I tend to only share photos and stories that occur in public; you will notice that I rarely share photos of private dinners, etc. John happened to take these photos of me and Paula Abdul yesterday while at a graduation ceremony at The Guide Dogs of the Desert in Palm Springs. In this first photo, Paula is holding her adorable Chihuahua, "Bessie Moo".

Paula is such a sweet and intelligent person, very genuine and warm too.
above: we stopped for a quick photo and shared a few laughs.

above: After the event was finished, crowds of fans surrounded Paula as she slowly made her way out of the building. She graciously posed for photos and signed autographs for quite awhile. Outside, a security guard directs Paula's limo, clearing the way from a crowd of people (not visible in this photo). It was an enjoyable day with Paula. She'll always be Forever My Girl.
-Rick Rockhill

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