above: #1 Armani Exchange Vixen- this ad combines a little bit of everything. Look closely, what do you see first?

above: #2 Abercrombie and Fitch Wrestlers- innocent but designed to appeal to a target audience for sure.
above #3 Armani Exchange Chests- a woman longingly gazes into the eyes of a hunk with her hands suggestively positioned...

above: #4 Calvin Klein Jeans- designed to intentionally confuse the eye with so much going on. It cleverly associates passion with wearing their jeans.
above: #5 "Gossip Girl Ads"- The guy's chest is the focal point for the teenie-bopper girls who follow this tv show.
above: #6 Abercrombie and Fitch Swimsuit Chase-the ever-so-slight "butt-crack" is the focal point of this playful ad.

above: #7 Diesel Jeans- The position of the woman, the jeans riding low on the guy's waist and the glimpse of her bikini top are just half the fun here. Look closely at the coastline in the background. It is subtle but plays with your mind.
Bonus Feature Today:
And If That Weren't Enough...
Madonna continues to show that sex sells, even at 50:

above: Madonna ad for W, showing her great legs

above: Madonna ad for W, showing her great legs

above: Here, Madonna is a cross between Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield, in my humble opinion.

above: Madonna having fun with this setting of a well dressed lady spying a half naked hunk, barely covering himself in time.
above: Madonna did a series of ads for Luis Vuitton- geared toward a high-end consumer. Interesting to think that her original fan base is now all grown up and can afford luxury purses. So regardless of income bracket, age or socio-economic status, I submit dear readers, that yes, sex does indeed sell.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's semi-controversial post...leave a comment and weigh in!
-Rick Rockhill
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