Monday, May 4, 2009

May is National Guide Dog Month

For regular readers, I did warn you that I would be blogging a lot about guide dogs, after all, May is National Guide Dog Month. Today seemed like a good day to write another post about this fundraising effort. Keep in mind that 100% of the money raised will go directly to accredited, non-profit guide dog schools across the country. My company has teamed up with American Idol judge Paula Abdul and Dick Van Patten to raise awareness and money to support guide dog schools. (In this photo above left are Dick Van Patten, Paula Abdul and Jimmy Van Patten, with two guide dogs). There are three easy ways you can help:
1) Visit any Pet Co store and make a donation at the register in any amount.
2) Make a donation online in any amount- it's easy enough to do right now in fact!
3) Buy any specially marked bag of Natural Balance dog food with a sticker of Paula Abdul on it, and 50 cents for each bag sold goes to the guide dog schools.
Check out this video of Paula Abdul and Dick Van Patten about this Guide Dog fundraiser:

If you can't view the YouTube video above, try this blogger version below:

Thanks for watching these videos. Please take a moment to check out this info and make a donation, even just $5 would help.

-Rick Rockhill

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