above: another water fountain on Piazza Navona

above and below: still in Piazza Navona, I took these photos to show the muted colors of buildings and the cafes along the edges.

above and below: still in Piazza Navona, I took these photos to show the muted colors of buildings and the cafes along the edges.
above: The locals steer clear from restaurants on just about any main Piazza, as the food is geared toward tourists. I prefer to eat at smaller places on side streets where there are mostly Italians dining. But its fun to stroll through these areas and soak it all up!

above: In Piazza di Popolo ("plaza of the people") they had a demonstration of police dogs, who performed all sorts of crowd-pleasing maneuvers.

above: In Piazza di Popolo ("plaza of the people") they had a demonstration of police dogs, who performed all sorts of crowd-pleasing maneuvers.
above: We found a quiet side street to relax with a few beers...

above: which were served with bruschetta and potato chips. I could do this everyday!

above: which were served with bruschetta and potato chips. I could do this everyday!

above: Now this is my kind of snack shop. Whole Parma hams hanging behind the counter, fresh cheeses and things that make you go: "Mmmmmmm"

above: Actually this photo is from a restaurant in Bologna, where I had had the traditional Tortellini stuffed with prosciutto ham served in broth. It was served in a giant tureen, so I had four bowls, not to let it go to waste! Yes, we ate very well in Italy, but isn't that what you'd expect? I'm back home now but ready to go back to Italy again. Following the legend, I tossed a coin over my back into the Trevi Fountain, to assure a return to Rome. I expect it to work.
-Signore Ricardo Rockhill
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