Friday, May 15, 2009

Philatelic Friday: Cats on Stamps!

Welcome to another installment of my weekly Philatelic Friday series. This week's topic is Cats on Stamps! As many of you know, I have a Persian kitty named Owen who allows me to live in his home. I love to watch Owen in action. He stands guard, loves to hunt, perches like a hawk, and meows incessantly when something is on his mind. Owen is a very cuddly kitty; he frequently cuddles up in my lap, or sits on my laptop keyboard to help me blog. So it was an easy choice to feature cats as the topic for this week's post about stamps. This first feature above left is a series from Antigua & Barbuda. I thought these stamps were a fun way to kick off the post. For all you cat lovers out there, I hope you enjoy this week's post!
above: USA cat stamp
above: Thailand cat stamp

above: Comoro Island cat stamps
above: Krgyzstan cat stamp

above: Poland cat stamp

above: USA Cat in the Hat stamp

above: Finland cat stamp

above: Azerbaycan cat stamp
How was that for a nice international collection of cat stamps? Which one do you like best? C'mon, leave a message, it is FREE and EASY TOO!
-Rick Rockhill

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