Thursday, May 28, 2009

Make A Difference for Someone Visually Impaired

Regular readers of this blog may recall that May is National Guide Dog Month. Paula Abdul is the spokesperson to help us raise awareness for this fundraiser to help non-profit, accredited Guide Dog Schools across America. Since May is drawing to a close, there are just a few days left to this fundraiser, and we're hoping for a surge in donations before the month ends. I'm asking everyone to consider making a donation in any amount if possible. You can donate online, or visit any Pet Co store to donate at the register. To help us generate interest in this fundraiser, Paula Abdul has generously provided a prize package from her new jewelry collection. It is free to enter the sweepstakes, just click here and look for this same image of Paula Abdul to sign up. While you are there, you can easily make a quick donation online!

above: Don't you just love this photo of Dick Van Patten and Paula Abdul together with the guide dog?
If my own words didn't convince you, check out this brief video message from Paula Abdul and Dick Van Patten about National Guide Dog month. I hope you will make a donation in any amount. At the very least, go ahead and enter the sweepstakes for the free jewelry from Paula Abdul's new collection! Help us place more guide dogs to the visually impaired and change someones life.
Thanks for your help
-Rick Rockhill

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