Monday, August 10, 2009

It's Duncan's Turn for Swimming Lessons

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about Sheldon's Swimming lessons. It's been hot as blazes here in Palm Springs, so a mid-day dip in the pool is just the trick to keep cool. After watching his big brother Sheldon demonstrate his keen water skills, our Young Duncan took his first real swim lesson this past weekend. Duncan has been interested in the pool from the moment he first saw it. Once I had cooled off and done my laps, Duncan approached the edge, signalling his interest to splash around. Understandably, taking the first step was the most difficult. John held him on the top step, handing Duncan to me as we waded further out into the pool. I held Duncan as he looked around, trying to take it all in.

above: after a bit of coaching and kisses on the forehead, I gradually let go of Duncan, allowing him to swim on his own...

above: For 11 weeks old, Duncan was a little champ in the pool! His little webbed toes paddled gracefully, making his way around the shallow end of the pool. It was a brief swim lesson, maybe 10 minutes or so, but just enough to give him confidence and knowledge on how to make his way out of the pool on his own , if necessary.

above: Duncan dripping wet after swimming in the pool. He spent the next half hour drying off outside on the patio with me.

above: With our desert climate being hot and dry, Duncan dried off in no time at all. We sat together on the glider chair, enjoying the indirect sun under the patio shade structure. Duncan was a happy little puppy, and ready for a treat.
-Rick Rockhill

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