I don't know about you, but all week long I've been hearing people talk about the super bowl. A combination of overhearing predictions, friendly-bets, stories of prior super bowls were etched into my subconscious. In fact, last night I actually had a super bowl dream. Well, sort of. The dream took place in the Palm Springs Art Museum. In my dream, they had an exhibit called "Super Bowls" which featured enormous bowls in all shapes and materials. This may have something to do with the fact that I'm scheduled to attend a gala event at the Palm Springs Art Museum this Saturday. So my mind ran away (as dreams often do) and came up with a sort of Alice in Wonderland type visit to an exhibit on huge bowls. So just for fun, and in honor of my silly dream, here I present my own SUPER BOWL POST....
above: Metal Super Bowl
above: Bamboo Super Bowl
above: Plastic Super Bowl
Well that's my Super Bowl Post...hope you enjoyed it. Oh my prediction for the real super bowl is Steelers will win. I could care less by how much. (sorry Donna).
-Rick Rockhill