Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Owen's New Official Job Duties

Most of you are familiar with Owen, our Persian cat (see head shot at left). He recently assumed several new important responsibilities at home. His official duties now include: Secretary of the Interior, monitoring everything from furniture to furnishings and also has responsibilities for pruning plants and flowers. Homeland Security Chief, where he maintains a watchful eye on the property through window observation points. But most recently Owen has assumed an additional role, as Minister for Atmosphere and Entertainment. In this important new position, he has broad powers to oversee essential functions such as lounging, chasing things, watching TV, sleeping, and watching flickering flames from candles and fireplaces. In one of his first actions as Minister for Atmosphere and Entertainment, Owen instituted sweeping rules that require all fireplaces and candles to be in operation daily. In this photo, you can see the effect of the fireplaces and candles that give Owen plenty of distraction and entertainment. Having three official jobs keeps Owen quite busy. He is frequently torn between critical decisions such as whether or not to chew the plants, stare out the window or sit in front of the fireplace. Here is Owen hard at work:

above: standing guard in the light of day...

above: standing guard in the dark of night...
above: and after sitting upright for hours, Owen takes a moment to relax in front of the fireplace.

above: Owen's jurisdiction includes outdoor fireplaces, but he delegates these supervisory responsibilities to me. I frequently sit outside at night in front of the fire to blog, and carry out his duties with a glass of wine and my laptop. Owen's dedication and commitment to his three official duties are a true inspiration, don't you agree?
-Rick Rockhill

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