The Saturday Seven: Birds That Will Make You Smile
Late last night I was surfing the web and came across a story about a psychic bird and was quite amused. I ended up digging up all sorts of fun things on the Internet about birds which became a source of entertainment for the remainder of the night. This was the inspiration for another scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Birds That Will Make You Smile. #1 "N'kisi" the Congo African Gray Parrot. The parrot's owner claims the bird is demonstrates psychic abilities. N'kisi has a vocabulary of about 950 words and can use them in coherent sentences to communicate with people. She is thought to be the most advanced users of the English language in the animal kingdom! I only wish I could find video of her.
#2 "Mr Yosuke Nakamura, the African Grey Parrot. He had been missing for two weeks after flying off a roof top at his home near Tokyo. The local police found him, but the bird didn't speak, so they transferred him to a veterinary clinic, where he opened up and started to talk again. Here is the amazing part: the bird introduced himself as "Mr Yosuke Nakamura, sang a few songs and then proceeded to tell the vet where he lived. He even included the address and street number. When the police checked the family name living at that address, it was the same last name he introduced himself as, so he was reunited with him family. Can you imagine?
#3 Willie the Parrot: He helped save the life of a toddler girl who was choking on pop tarts. Willie the parrot saw the little girl choking and started screaming and flapping his wings.Then Willie started shouting 'mama baby' over and over and over again which attracted the attention of the baby sitter. The sitter saw the young child choking and was able to perform the Heimlich maneuver to save the little girl. I just love stories like that.
#4 Yankee Doodle Dandy" singing bird
#5 "You Are My Sunshine" singing bird"
#6 The National Anthem singing bird (well sort of)
#7 Amazing Bird Tricks
I hope at least one of these seven birds made you smile. Happy Saturday! -Rick Rockhill
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