#1 A Cement Jointer- also called a sidewalk groover or sidewalk creaser. It smooths the joint between two concrete surfaces.

#2 Stud Finder- no, not THAT kind of stud, the kind that holds up walls.

#3 Pineapple Corer- yes folks, no household should be without one. I own one, thanks to my Mom. It is a great doohickey to get the best part of out of a pineapple!
#4 Pedometer- I still don't understand how these things actually work, and I never remember what they are called.
#5 Pastry Blender- a what? I own one of these and have no idea why. I've never used it.
#6 Garlic peeler- you mean this thing isn't just a piece of broken plastic?
#7 Drain Snake- my personal favorite. Ever seen someone use these thingamajigs? Totally weird.
What strange Doo Dahs, Doo-hickies or Thingamajigs baffle or fascinate you? Go ahead, leave a comment, it's FREE!
-Rick Rockhill
-Rick Rockhill