Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: New York OMD (One More Day)

Today is another installment of Rick’s Roadshow from New York, "OMD" (One More Day). First off, the Westminster Dog Show concluded last night with all its pageantry and excitement. The judging was fair and reasonable; although unfortunately the Standard Poodle didn’t win Best In Show. I was happy that the Sussex Spaniel won who is a Senior citizen at 10 years old. He literally came out of retirement to compete this year. This particular trip to New York was very productive from a work perspective- and also thoroughly enjoyable. I was so busy however, that I did not have time to see any old friends or fellow bloggers, which I regret. Since this was primarily a work trip and not personal time off, I can’t complain really. Today's post is going to be a bit of a hodge-podge, so I apologize up front!. Walking back and forth to my hotel I did pass lots of store windows- some of which were cashing in on the Westminster fever with windows like these:
above and below: I think this was Saks 5th Avenue. The giant brown plush toy was called "Chewy Vuitton". It's tough to see all the details, but take my word for it, this was some pretty high-end doggie supplies!
Below: The New York experience is unlike any other city. Regular readers know that I’ve traveled extensively, and lived in New York what seems like a lifetime ago. New York will always be a unique place in my mind. Times Square is just one of those sights to is unlike Vegas or Piccadilly Circus in London. It has a flavor all its own. I took a few photos to share:

above: this was around midnight, and there was a massive crane lifting a high new light onto the side of this building. There were hundreds of onlookers craning their necks to watch. Yep, New York is something else, even at midnight.

above: I also had a chance to take a kitchen tour at a cool restaurant at Lincoln Center. Here I am with some friends after dinner. I guess my reputation as a restaurant critic preceded was a fun way to end the evening.
Believe it or not, Rick's Roadshow continues this week, but from a new city. Today I head down to Orlando, Florida to attend the annual Global Pet trade show. So stick around, there's more fun from Rick's Roadshow all week!
-Rick Rockhill

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