Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Adventures of Sheldon: The Grooming Thing

One of the responsibilities of owning a standard poodle is to maintain their coat with a regimen of regular brushing and visits to the groomer. We're pretty good about taking Sheldon to the groomer every month, but not so good with the brushing in between. As a result, Sheldon looks great for two to three weeks, and then shaggy and frizzy for one to two weeks. This photo is the day Sheldon returned from the groomer, his coat looking smooth and silky. He received a good report card from the groomer for good behavior. He genuinely enjoys going to the salon and socializing with all the other dogs. What he's not so crazy about is the in-between brushings at home. Now I wouldn't say that he dislikes it, but he just tolerates it. I suppose if I kept up with the brushing it wouldn't be so difficult to run a comb or brush through his coat. So I decided to brush Sheldon a bit right away, just after his groom, so he would get used to the rhythm of the brush. Sheldon didn't think it was such a swell idea. In fact he ran away with the brush, from room to room always four steps ahead for my two.

above: After absconding with his grooming brush, Sheldon cautiously approaches me when I sternly beckoned. He sported a devilish grin with the brush in his mouth...

above: Sheldon decided to tell me what he really thought of his brush.

above: Keep in mind that Sheldon has never destroyed anything at home. He has a range of chew toys, bones, rawhide and such that he knows are his to gnaw on. But this grooming brush was another matter. If you look closely you can see his teeth marks on the handle!

above: We finally settled down and had a little chat about chewing the grooming brush. He flashes a knowing expression and agreed to a few more strokes. I just need to be a better poodle-dad and keep up with the in between brushes so it's not such an ordeal for the little guy. He may have been right after all in this adventure.
-Rick Rockhill

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