Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Lincoln Center Art Sample

During a recent trip to New York I was at Lincoln Center on Sunday afternoon. The Lincoln Center for Performing Arts operates the Visual Art and Exhibition gallery. In addition to a wonderful ehxibit of original work, they have a marvelous collection of fine prints for sale as well. They are known for notable artists such as Jennifer Bartlett, Ross Bleckner, Helen Frankenthaler, Wolf Kahn, Alex Katz, Jacob Lawrence, Sol Lewitt, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Longo, Robert Mangold, Elizabeth Murray, Jules Olitski, Robert Rauschenberg, Gerhard Richter, Joel Shapiro, Pat Steir, Andy Warhol, and Terry Winters. This painting above left "Nude Swimmers" has a free-form dreamy element to it.

above: "Mostly Mozart Festival", by Jules Olitsky

above & below: sadly I lost my notes on the title and artist- much to the frustration of many weekly readers....(my sincere apologies)!

Thanks for stopping by today's Sunday Art Review. I hope you have a great week.
-Rick Rockhill

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