1. My grandmother has had the biggest influence on my life, she has been the one person who knows just about everything about me.
2. I have long considered myself an Anglophile, to the point that I suspect I may have been a Brit in a prior life.
3. My favorite food groups are pasta, pizza and chocolate- in that order.
4. Life is made better with a good bottle of wine, cheese and a loaf of fresh crusty bread.
5. The greatest peace and tranquility I feel is when I am home in Palm Springs admiring our mountains.
6. My natural father’s death at an early age influenced me to live life to the fullest, and cherish everyday
7. I am a huge fan of the writer Paul Theroux.
8. I hate scary movies, mean-spirited people, snakes and beets.
9. Most people have no idea I had a brief career in politics.
10. I am highly suspicious of anyone who doesn’t like dogs.
11. It is true that I am somewhat of an elitist-- at my very core I believe that every person is better than the next. The trouble is other people don’t share the same confidence in themselves.
12. Call me weird but I admire Abraham Lincoln, St Francis of Assisi, Benjamin Franklin, Margaret Thatcher, Thomas Jefferson…and Captain Jean Luc Picard.
13. I consider myself an enlightened Christian, but I have always been fascinated by the occult.
14. I deeply believe in karma- that every action we take causes a reaction that will affect us at least two fold. Selfishly that’s why I try to do good deeds and be nice to people.
15. I’ve met countless psychics, numerologists, spiritual advisers and astrologers who have all revealed the same trait about me that I only ever revealed to one person.
16. In addition to my public namesake blog, I also write another blog under a fictitious name. It’s my outlet for thought-provoking commentary. It is read by a surprisingly large number of people everyday.
17. I have a rare collection of decorative plates from British monarchs.
18. I am a huge fan of Steve Nicks. I’ve seen her solo concerts 16 times and another 5 times with Fleetwood Mac. I find some of her songs have a transcendental effect and I‘ve never questioned it.
19. I have started writing a book about nothing. It is in my destiny to do so, even if no one ever reads it.
20. Fresh flowers are the one personal luxury I wish I had more of in my life.
21. Cruises are my favorite form of vacation, yet I fear the ocean itself. I wonder if that’s why I like living in the desert so much.
22. So far, I’ve had two defining moments in my life that literally affected the course of my entire life even today- both favorably.
23. If I could have a different profession, it would have been a pastry chef.
24. My top 5 favorite movie series are a) James Bond, b) Star Trek: Next Generation, c) Harry Potter, d) Lord of the Rings and e) The Godfather.
25. I believe our Creator will judge us by the number of people whose lives we positively influenced and enriched while here on Earth.
Do you have anything interesting to reveal?
-Rick Rockhill
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